

How is there a relationship between different types of editing and representation?
- Different types of editing can represent things in different ways.

Reverse shot -
A reverse shot is one character being shown to talk back to another unseen character. It shows the other persons reactions to their words, and emphasizes that theyre on different sides.

Cut away shot -
A cut away shot is when the scene the scene cuts to another different scene. This is usually followed by it then cutting back to the original scene.

Cut in shot -
Like a cut away, but focuses on some part of the scene in detail before cutting.

Eye line match -
When the shot cuts to the view of what the character would be seeing.

Action match -
Where it cuts to a scene where the same thing is happening.

1 comment:

  1. Your main focus Jade is to look at how editing creates oppositions between ages, genders, races etc etc.....consider your parallel editing
