
Semiotics ...

Semiotics is the study of sign systems which allow us to deconstruct media texts to understand how meaning is being created.


The object itself


what it represents

A sign is the smallest element of meaning, signs will be grouped together to create larger units of

meaning; these are called codes, which can be decoded or interpreted.

A combination of signs creates a code - which can be understood through the viewers cultural or social

context. For example, a person wearing particular items of clothing together, may take on a cultural


Likewise, the word itself would act as a signifier of this image.

Connotation – the interpreted meaning of a sign (s).
Denotation – the literal meaning of a sign.
   E.g. a rose denotes nature/flowers – but it connotes love.

Signs are polysemic!
Polysemic refers to the fact that all signs have more than one meaning.

Therefore, polysemy also applies to the ideas that many signs will be ‘iconic’, ‘symbolic’, and ‘indexical’.

Iconic – those which work through resemblance (photographs) 
Symbolic – those which are learned (arbitrary signs, such as words, e.g. a stop sign).
Indexical – those which work through a causal link, (e.g. smoke is an index of fire).

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